Q: How will current and new customers receive the patching feature?
A: Current customers will see the patching option on their customer cards and on the blue ribbon of the asset. The feature will automatically appear in those locations for new customers.
Q: Where can we launch patching?
A: Patch Management can be launched from either the Customer’s card or Asset View.
Q: Will there be a Windows update button for each Windows CVE?
A: No. Customers will not be able to fix each CVE by clicking a button next to that CVE. Most Microsoft updates usually fix around 50 to 60 vulnerabilities per month and customers might have hundreds of CVEs that could be resolved by just one update. A task must be created to install and apply an update.
Q: If I have the same patch across multiple customers, and I want to apply a patch to all of them, can I?
A: No. This initial rollout is customer level. Applying the patches across multiple customers is on our roadmap.
Q: How will I know when my assets have been patched?
A: Up to Date will appear under the Available column for the asset. You can also review the Informational result in the Vulnerability findings for the asset.
Q: Is it possible to add assets to multiple tasks?
A: An asset cannot be added to a new task if it is included in a current task.
Q: When is a task marked Complete?
A: A task is marked Complete when all assets included in that task have installed the updates, have been rebooted, and have reported that the reboot is complete.
Q: Can I create a maintenance window?
A: The maintenance window will be available in a future release.
Q: How do I handle a decommissioned asset that’s part of an active patching task?
A: It will be removed from the active task.
Q: Can customers opt not to use the patching feature?
A: Yes, customers will have the option to opt out of patching. Nodeware will still do the vulnerability (baseline) scan to identify assets’ patch levels.
Q: Where do I find the baseline scan results that shows missing Windows updates?
A: You can find the baseline scan results on the Patch Management dashboard. It also appears as an Informational result in the Vulnerability findings for the asset.
Q: Can Nodeware be used to confirm patch level?
A: Yes. The baseline scan results can confirm an update; customers will be able to see the patch level of a machine that has a Windows agent installed on it.
Q: Is there any degradation in the background while applying patches?
A: There is no degradation beyond what customers currently experience when using Microsoft.
Q: How will the download time of the agent be impacted?
A: There is no impact. Only the part of the application that has been changed will be downloaded. There will not be a spike in network traffic or download time.
Q: What happens when a customer turns off the machine prior to the scheduled reboot?
A: When the Nodeware agent starts, it will verify the status of the remediation task. When Nodeware sees that there is a scheduled reboot, the reboot has taken place since the installation, and the reboot task is still there, it will remove the reboot task. It will not report that a reboot is still needed.
Q: When the reboot happens, will the customer’s score change?
A: Yes. The score will change because a vulnerability was remediated.
Q: Once the reboot happens, do I need to request a rescan to get that score changed, or is it done automatically?
A: Nodeware will automatically submit a rescan. There will be a bit of lag while the score changes because of the time required for the rescan to complete after the reboot. The rescan takes 2-3 hours to complete.
Q: Is it necessary to check Windows Update on the asset to verify that the update installed?
A: It’s always best practice to verify. We use the same data source that you would see if you went to the Windows Update on the asset.
Q: Do the updates come from Microsoft?
A: Yes, all Windows updates come from Microsoft.
Q: How can I know what is included in each KB?
A: On the Vulnerability Finding screen for the asset, click the Microsoft links for additional information. A summary and a link to Microsoft will be available in the Create Task window in a future Patch Management update.
Q: Will the patching feature be available through the API?
A: Only the patching data will be available through the API, but no patching actions.
Q: Will missing patch alerts be available in ConnectWise?
A: The alerts will be available in a future release.
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