Nodeware Agents are designed for mass deployment via management tools, RMM & MDM, and support silent, command line installation without a reboot. Agents are available for Ubuntu, Debian, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux and supported the versions detailed below.
Ubuntu & Debian
Direct Downloads: Base, Core (.deb)
Supported Versions:
- Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Debian 12 Bookworm
- Debian 11 Bullseye
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Direct Downloads: Base, Core (.rpm)
Supported Versions:
- Red Hat 9
- Red Hat 8
Manual Installation
The below commands can be used to install the downloaded packages, with substitutions required for any bracketed (<>) variables.
wget <base_url>
wget <core_url>
sudo <dpkg/rpm> -i <base_file>
sudo <dpkg/rpm> -i <core_file>
sudo /usr/local/bin/nodeware/NodewareAgent register customerid=<customer_id>
sudo /usr/local/bin/nodeware/NodewareAgent service create
- Substitute the <base_url> and <core_url> with the links above for the desired distribution
- Use dpkg for Ubuntu and Debian or rpm for Red Hat
- Substitute the file names as appropriate
- Substitute a 7 digit customer ID, as found in the dashboard or API. Can be set to a variable for RMM & MDM installation
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