Once set up is complete, per the Prerequisite & Setup article, the Configure Integration view appears.
Note: To navigate to this view later, log into your Nodeware account, click Integrations in the left side pane, select Autotask, and click Enabled.
A green check mark appears in the Account Connection section if the setup is correct, and the Autotask instance is reachable.
Note: If Disconnect is clicked, it clears all synced companies and alert configurations in Nodeware. The following message appears to confirm disconnection:
Click Confirm Disconnect to complete the disconnection and reset your configuration.
Company Sync
1. Click Manage in the Company Sync section. This view lists your current Nodeware companies on the left.
2. Select the matching company inside the Autotask list on the right and click Match. If no match is found, the message: “No match found. Adjust search and try again” appears.
3. Click Save when complete. You are returned to the Configure Integration screen. A green check mark appears under Company Sync confirming the number of customers connected out of the total number of customers in your Nodeware account.
4. To remove a link, click the unlink button next to the matched company on the right side of the company’s name and click Save.
To sync another company or edit one, click Manage and follow steps 1 - 4 above.
After one or more companies synced/connected, you can configure the alerts.
1. Click the Configure button in the Alert Configuration section.
2. The screen below appears. The left side of the screen lists the types of Nodeware alerts:
• Critical Vulnerability
• New Asset Discovered
• Sensor Offline
3. Click Manage Templates to create a template. The Service Templates screen appears.
Note: Create New template is the default template.
4. Select the Queue, Priority, and Status for Nodeware Alerts.
5. Rename the template if desired and click Create. The Alert Configuration screen reappears.
6. Select the created Service Template for each alert. This acts as the destination for any new alerts you have defined. When there is an alert you do not want to send, select the top option that reads "No Template Selected (Don't Send)."
7. To test the configuration, click Test next to the alert type. This will generate a sample ticket in the configured Autotask ticket queue.
8. Click Save Configuration. The Configure Integration screen reappears. A green check mark will appear with the number of templates created and alerts configured.
Any new alert from Nodeware will appear in the Autotask Ticket Queue as configured.
Note: To create another template or edit one, click Configure and select Manage Templates.
Setup Complete
Your Nodeware connection to the Autotask integration is complete. If you experience any issues during setup or operation, use the Support link in the bottom right of this page for assistance.
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